August 25,1961 - October 29, 2021
The last morning of Daniel's life, October29, 2021 was heaven sent. He was so happy to see his Aunt Janelle and cousin Lori who were there to take him to the hospital. He managed to get the car with help, even though he was in excruciating pain. On the way he asked if they could stop and get him a Dr. Pepper. While Janelle was purchasing it, he and Lori reminisced about their good times at with Granma and Grandpa and other family members. After arriving at Sutter Roseville Hospital E.R. lobby Danny was cold, Lori went to the car and got him a blanket. Janelle wrapped it around him and he told her he liked "soft warm blankets"! H e also thanked them for taking such good care of him.
He then went into the treatment room, everything was done to save his life but his heart stopped at 12:32pm and he died in that "soft warm blanket.
Daniel was born prematurely August 25, 1961 at Fort Sam Houston Hospital, San Antonio, Texas, weighing 2lbs and 13ozs. The doctors said he'd live about 3 hours. That was not to be.... God gave Daniel a super human internal strength and fierce determination. He was 60 years old when he died.
He moved to California with his family after a short time in Texas. He loved nature and animals, so our 10 acre farm in Loomis, CA. was perfect for him. We had goats, cows, horses, pigs, chickens, dogs, cats and a fishing pond. Big tress filled with birds, occasionally we heard coyotes howling at night. He had a steer, "Red" which he showed at the Placer County Fair and won multiple ribbons. He was in FFA and completed his high school education. He loved living in Loomis and loved so many people there.