Alexandrina was born on December 1st, 1919, in Bucharest, Romania. She was the oldest girl out of seven brothers and sisters. When she was five, her father passed away and her mother became sick with typhoid fever. Though young, Alexandrina took care of her mom and younger siblings, milking the cow, cutting wood and cooking. She only attended school till sixth grade as she had to go to work to help her mom. Alexandrina met Ioan Bodeanu in 1940, right before Ioan had to join the cavalry at the beginning of WWII. They fell in love, but could not get married till the end of the war. Alexandrina waited for Ioan for six years enduring both the German and Russian occupation. In 1946, when Ioan came back, they got married on February 14th. Together they started a business and raised two daughters. In 1984 she came to USA to help her oldest daughter. She stayed in the states where she was joined by her younger daughter in1990, and in 2004 by Ioan. During her years in USA she helped raise four granddaughters and two great grandchildren. In 1989 she gave her life to the Lord, together with her daughter and granddaughters. She served the Lord faithfully for the rest of her life. On March 26, 2012, she went to heaven peacefully in her room. Alexandrina is survived by her husband, two daughters, five granddaughters, and five great grandchildren.
Alexandrina s-a nascut pe 1 Decembrie, 1919, in Bucuresti, Romania. Ea a fost fata cea mai mare dintre sapte frati si surori. Cind a avut cinci ani, tatal ei a murit si mama ei s-a imbolnavit cu tifos. Desi mica, Alexandrina a avut grija mamei ei si a fratilor si surorilor, mulgind vaca, taind surcele si gatind. Ea a fost la scoala numai pina la clasa a sasea, caci a trebuit sa se duca la lucru ca sa-si ajute mama. Alexadrina la intilnit pe Ioan Bodeanu in 1940, chiar inainte ca Ioan sa intre la cavalerie la inceputul celui de-al doilea razboi mondial. S-au indragostit unul de altul, dar nu s-au putut casatori pina la sfirsitul razboiului. Alexandrina l-a asteptat pe Ioan timp de sase ani, indurind atit ocupatia germana cit si cea ruseasca. In 1946, cind Ioan s-a intors din razboi, s-au casatorit pe 14 Februarie. Impreuna au infiintat un magazin si au avut si crescut doua fete. In 1984, Alexandrina a venit in USA ca sa o ajute pe fata ei cea mai mare. Ea a ramas in USA unde a fost urmata de fiica mai mica in 1990, si de Ioan in 2004. In timpul anilor petrecuti in USA ea ajutat cu cresterea a patru nepoate si doi stranepoti. In 1989, Alexandrina si-a dat viata la Domnul Isus impreuna cu fata ei si patru nepoate. Ea a servit pe Domnul cu credinta tot restul vietii ei. Pe data de 26 Martie s-a dus la Domnul in in pace, in camera ei. Alexandrina este supravietuita de sotul ei, doua fete, patru nepoate, si cinci stranepoti.