Mr. Peter Nguyen Thai Hoang was born on December 30, 1940 in Phat Diem, Vietnam. His parents were Mr. Duyet and Mrs. Lien, who had two sons. Nguyen was the youngest child.
Mr. Peter Nguyen Thai Hoang met Miss Kim Thanh Tran in 1964 who he married in 1966. They had five children; four sons (Thomas, Michael, Joseph, and Paul) and one daughter (Elizabeth).
Mr. Hoang was a beloved husband and a wonderful father, grandfather, and great grandfather.
Mr. Hoang received the Last Rites from Father Gioakim Thanh Dao and Father Anthony Lan Tran. On September 25, 2017, Mr. Hoang passed away surrounded by his loving family. He is survived by his wife of more than 50 years, five children, twelve grandchildren, and one great granddaughter.