family, in her home in Youngsville, NC on March 12, 2020, having reached her personal goal of
95 the Sunday before.
Second of nine children to Helen and George Joyce. Betty went to St. Theresa's primary and
North Tarrytown high school.
Betty Burton was a loving and generous woman. Patience was something she had in
abundance as well as being able to listen. Her life was anything but easy and finding the light
was an inborn gift. The nickname her siblings gave her was “Pollyanna”, as she was able to
see “the whole picture” no matter what the situation and combined with an inner light, it gave
her a path that she could walk gracefully.
As a middle schooler Betty took up tap dancing, performing with the school troop doing shows
and entertaining the prisoners in Sing Sing. She continued her joy of tap dancing well into her
80s where she performed seasonally with folks in her retirement community, the Hacienda Del
Rio in Edgewater Florida.
Betty and her husband raised nine children in North Tarrytown, New Lebanon & Milan New
York. Aside from being a homemaker, she worked at Eastern aircraft during World War II in
North Tarrytown, owned an ice cream shop in Redhook New York, and after moving to Florida,
became a nurses aide. She always kept busy learning to swim, play tennis and participate in
the activities in her retirement community. She enjoyed singing in the Hacienda chorus and in
her church, including going to nursing homes to entertain the elderly “at 80”. Apart from
singing and tap dancing, Betty loved knitting, crocheting, reading & rock hounding. She said
once, one of her joyous times was when her children came home from school… In later years,
that joy remained whenever her “kids” came home.
She is survived by a Brother, David Joyce of Albuquerque, N.M. and a sister, Marianne
Connelly of N.C. and her children John Joyce of Austin Tx, Sharon Lyon of Bethel, ME, William
Burton of Youngsville, N.C., Scott Burton in N.Y., Mark Burton FL, Lynette Derrico of
Wilmington N.C., Barbara Burton Newport, N.C. & Nina Burton of New Bern N.C.. To this list
are added16 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren.