Carolyn M Gray, 82, of Quincy Passed peacefully March 23, 2022. Daughter of the late Henry and Carrie Gray, Carolyn attended Quincy public schools. She was a Graduate of Boston University with a Bachelors and Masters with highest honors in education and foreign language.
Carolyn taught foreign language in Cohasset High school until her retirement and then became church secretary to the late Rev. Elden D. J. Zuern and the late Rev. Dr. Gary Smothers at Wollaston Congregational Church. Carolyn was a lifelong member and the oldest member at the time of her death.
She held many positions while a member including Bluebird, Jr. and senior choir. She served on the Flower Committee, Christian Education Committee, Music Committee to name a few. She worked on crafts for the church fairs and greatly supported all activities there. Carolyn felt the greatest and most rewarding of all was being a Deacon.
Carolyn was also a long-time member of the Interchurch Council of N. Quincy and Wollaston. She had been a member of the Wollaston Garden Club, the Wolly Cong Book Club, Mystic Valley Railway Society and had been on many candlepin bowling leagues. In her later years, she became a great TV fan of programs from Little house on the Prairie to Downton Abbey. Buzzer TV and the GameShow Channel were also watched along with Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. She was a loyal sports fan of the Celtics, Patriots and Red Sox and especially a fan of Jerry Remy's broadcasts. Carolyn loved the Olympics both summer and winter. Skating was her favorite. If there was a bowling tournament, either Candlepin or Tenpin, she would watch that, often recognizing children or grandchildren of past tournament players. Carolyn loved reading the Quincy Sun and doing the games and puzzles.
Carolyn is survived by her "Framily" (which she called her friends that were her chosen family) Gus and Laurel Oster, their 4 children and their 10 grandchildren. She loved them all very much as they all loved her. Carolyn is also survived by many close friends who either visited her frequently or called her regularly. Both meant so much when it became harder for her to get around.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to your local animal shelter or Shriner's Children's hospital in Boston.
Celebration of Life will be at The Deware Funeral Home, 576 Hancock St. Quincy. Sat. April
2, at 10 AM, Interment will be private.