Lydia E. (Grantham) Hankins, age 95, passed away June 29, 2013 at Ochoco Care Center. Graveside services will be held on Wednesday, July 3, 2013 at 10AM at Mill Creek Cemetery with Charley Hughbanks officiating.
Lydia was born September 29, 1917 in Stevens County Kansas to John Joel and Lola Ruth (Simpson) Grantham. She enjoyed gardening, hunting, fishing, and camping with family and friends. Lydia and Berl enjoyed rock hounding also.
Lydia married Berl E. Hankins May 12, 1937 in Hugoton, Kansas, living in Kansas and Colorado before moving to Mitchell, Oregon in December 1943. She worked in the cafes in Mitchell when her husband was laid up following a logging accident. She worked at Burnett Box, and cooked at King’s Café and Pioneer Memorial Hospital before moving to Sitka, Alaska. There she cooked the Coffee Cup Café and Sitka Hospital.
Lydia was a member of the Grange while living in Colorado; also at Paulina Oregon and Lookout Mt. Grange in Prineville. She was a lifetime member of the Moose, working thru many offices. She belonged to the local Rockhound organization. She was also a member of the Home Extension group near her home.
She was a correspondent for the Central Oregonian in the Ochoco Valley east of Prineville, and again when she first moved to Sitka. She and her husband were Amway dealers for many years, both in Prineville and Sitka, Alaska. She also worked with the Civil Air Patrol in Prineville following the war.
She is survived by her son, Joe E (Mary) Hankins Sr. of Lampasas, Texas; daughters, Ruth Cholin and Edith Hankins both of Prineville, Hazelle (Jerry) Hout of Port Angeles, Washington; also daughter-in-law Nancy Hankins of Woodburn, Oregon; sister Lorene Lord of Winnemucca, Nevada; 15 grandchildren; 30 great-grandchildren; and eleven great-great grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Berl E. Hankins in 1994, son Berl L. Hankins, son-in-law Gene Cholin; daughter-in-law Betty J. Hankins; brother Richard Grant Grantham, sister and brother-in-law Fern R. and Chester R. Hanes, brother-in-law Melvin Lord, great-granddaughter Crystal Ann Cholin and nephew Michael Grantham.
Donations may be made to St. Charles Hospice of Prineville.