Robert (Bob) Theodore Green passed away peacefully on August 18th, 2020 surrounded by family. Robert was born in Havre, Montana on August 2nd, 1931, eventually moving to Salem, Oregon and later Portland. Robert was a longtime resident of Portland and worked as a business agent for Teamsters Local 206 until his retirement.
Robert leaves behind his brother Aubrey; daughters, Diana & Patricia; son David, and four grandchildren, Angela, David, Kristina, and Ryan. Robert was preceded in death by his beloved wife of 58 years, Dorothy, who passed away in February of 2016.
Funeral & internment services will be held privately at Lincoln Memorial Park.
There will be a Zoom memorial service at 3pm on Friday September 4th 2020. Please E-Mail: if you would like to attend the online memorial & a link will be sent to you.