She is survived by her daughters Wanda Gosda and Tina Jarboe, son Hank Jarboe and granddaughter Myra Gosda. Mary was preceded in death by her sister Margaret Lankins and her three brothers Arthur Koch, Ernie Koch and John Tweedt.
Mary was a determined woman who lived an interesting life of 93 ½ years. Leaving home at 16, she married the first of seven husbands. Her life also included welding ships and landing crafts in Vanport, Oregon and Riverside, California. Her love of people and cooking led her into the restaurant business in Arizona and Colorado where she met Earnest Jarboe. They moved to Kansas to farm for a time. In 1960, after inheriting family property, they moved to Lorraine, Oregon. Mary returned to the restaurant business and worked for Burn Brothers for 18 years before retiring. Never truly retiring though, Mary volunteered her time at the Senior Center in Canby, Oregon and was Senior Companion, which she truly loved. She also made candy and jam for all the people she knew and loved, which gave her the title of the “Candy Lady” here in Canby.
At the request of the family, in lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Canby Adult Senior Center.