In 1954, due to the Vietnamese War, she and her husband brought their children to the South of Vietnam for social and religious freedom. They settled down at Da Nag City. In 1972, her husband passed away leaving her to raise 11 children. Though life was hard, she bravely brought up all her children in good care and love.
After the communist took over South Vietnam in 1975, she tried to find way to move her family to a free country for a better life and future. Six children among the 11 fortunately crossed the sea to the United States. In 1988, at the age of 63, she and her two youngest children escaped out of Vietnam to be reunited with her children in America.
She was a great mother of 11 children and 25 grandchildren. One among her 11 children was consecrated to God, Rev. Petrus Binh Hoang who is the Pastor at St. Stephen Catholic Church, Portland, Oregon and at the same time he is the chaplain for two Vietnamese Catholic Communities- one at the Immaculate Heart Church, Portland, Oregon and the other at St. James Catholic Church, Vancouver, Washington.
Moreover, she was active and faithful in the church. She use to be a member at Saint Vincent De Paul and Legio Mariae while she was living in Vietnam. She was also an active member of the Altar Society at Our Lady of Lavang Parish, Portland, Oregon for many years.
She did not leave any valuable material treasure for her sons, daughters and grandchildren but instead a model of how to a wonderful and religious person. She lived her entire life for her family and is a true believer to the Church.
"Mother is the name for God in the lips and heart of little children."~ William Makepace Thackeray