從他念幼稚園之後, 在加州及波特蘭我們的假日時間大都在慈濟學校度過的,透過彼此的陪伴共同學習,他是來幫助他的父母了解透過付出,才能真正的體會什麼叫做真實的富有及生命的實際價值及意義,而幫助別人的結果最後都會回到自己身上,其實最後也都是在幫助自己。而他也是示現不管人的外在表像如何,都不會影響到其內在的圓滿,所以我們要學習往內心深處看,看到自己及別人內在的圓滿,亦即明心見性。如今他已經報完父母恩,又即將走向另一個新階段的旅程,所以希望在此把所有親朋好友最好的祝福都送給他,持續用愛呵護,幫助眾生菩薩任務.
Brandon (Lin Shi Hong) was a unique, kind, and caring boy born on April 28th, 1995 in the Mountain View Hospital of Northern California. He lived in San Jose for a few years before moving to Fremont to complete elementary school. In 2008, his family moved to Portland, Oregon and Brandon went to Stoller Middle School and Edison High School. He then completed 2 years of studies at Portland Community College. In 2015, Brandon was admitted into Western Oregon University to major in Management Information Systems with a minor in British Literature.
His passions were reading, art, and writing. He would write about and draw ancient warrior pictures. From when he was little, he would go with his parents on the weekends to Tzu Chi to go to class or volunteer. From elementary fine arts class to youth group to charity events, Brandon left his mark on everything he did.
He was the class assistant of the Portland Tzu Chi cultural class and coached Chinese yo-yo. He was part of the first class of San Jose’s Tzu Chi Academy School. He was also a member of the inaugural class of the FASCA. His service earned him the White House presidential award.
Brandon helped his parents understand the purpose and meaning of life. Helping others will result in others helping you in hard times. Helping others is actually helping yourself. Brandon taught us that it’s not how people appear on the outside; rather it’s what is on the inside – one’s heart. Now that he has finished his purpose, it is our turn to not make him worried, and he continues his new journey with love from our family and friends. This is the path of Buddha.