George R. Phenix, 82, most recently of Daytona Beach FL passed away at home the evening of September 24, 2021. Born in Fort Worth, TX in November 1938, George said he was “rode hard and put away wet” by Parkinson’s Disease. He treated that illness like any other enemy, snarling at it, making fun of it, turning what might have been a short fight into a long one with many little and satisfying victories.
He had retired from a career in journalism, government and politics. It included stints with U.S. Sen. Lloyd Bentsen and U.S. Rep. Jake Pickle. He was publisher of the Westlake Picayune, and co-founder — with Sam Kinch Jr. and John Rogers — of Texas Weekly, an influential political newsletter. With Bob Huffaker, Bill Mercer, and Wes Wise, George co-authored “When the News Went Live: Dallas 1963,” a book about media coverage of events around the JFK assassination, when George was a young TV cameraman in Dallas. He gave copies of the book to his doctors, hoping they’d treat him better.
Texas Weekly was his last job, and one of his favorites. Ross Ramsey replaced Sam and ran it with George until, as said when asked, “George sold his car, sold his business and ran off with a girl."
Fifteen happy years passed, and George is survived by that girl, his beloved partner and high school sweetheart Lyn Ellen Lacy, his siblings (Lee and Sharon), four children (Steve, Annie, Billy, and Maggie), Lyn Ellen’s kids (Ruth Peter and John), seven grandchildren (Lucy, Grayson, Alice, Betty, Jake, Josh, and Morgan), a bevy of in-laws, legions of friends, fellow travelers and not a few crabs who will regard his death as the loss of a truly worthy and irritatingly hilarious and charismatic opponent. George went big with everyone, marching into ardent loves and fervent feuds with equal energy and passion. He was old school, and proud of it.
All of those people — the loved ones and the others — are going to miss him. They only made one like that.
Since George had no real hobbies, Lyn Ellen decided they could take up a hobby together during the pandemic. After some considerations, and thanks to Amazon Prime, the couple watched 36 John Wayne movies over the past few months, skipping the ones they knew by heart and were about to begin on Audrey Hepburn films. He dedicated his life to journalism, and continued to follow current events - a consummate news hound and wordsmith until his passing.
A formal memorial service will not be held at this time, but raise a glass to George wherever you are. His remains will be interred in Decatur, Georgia, in Lyn Ellen’s family plot that will hold at least 15 urns. George called it the condominium. And he would want you to contribute to kick Parkinson’s ass, because that son-of-a-bitch disease deserves it.
[The following link is from a C-SPAN broadcast of a book signing at BookPeople in Austin. George's bit starts at about the 25-minute mark. ( Special thanks to Ross Ramsey who contributed the majority of this obituary and provided the video.]