Never more truly said is that if you knew her, you loved her. Judy embodied an enthusiasm, wrapped in a kindness which was cherished by her many close friends, and which made every stranger feel they had known her for years.
Born in Salt Lake City in 1954, her family moved to Hawaii in 1960, where she acquired many of the unique personality gifts which we were all to enjoy. Then in 1978 it was off to San Francisco. It was not easy though for a Kailua girl of 23 to move to the City and thrive in the restaurant business; but with sister Wendy sharing the trail, the well-known 'sisters' endured and endeared at some of the great San Francisco establishments. It was in SF that she met her Detroit boy Jim, husband of twenty-two years. What fun they had, and what love they shared.
As Judy has always been such a happy and contented person, we are left to wonder why those darkest of planets had chosen her that lonely night.
Judy is survived by her husband Jim Bosler, and of Placerville CA her mother Mollie Mortensen, sister Wendy Adams, and brother Rick Mortensen. A San Francisco memorial is planned.