Our beloved father, Philip Charles Gabriel, died June 4, 2019, after a lengthy battle with Alzheimer's disease. Phil was born in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan on June 17, 1936. He served in the Michigan National Guard and earned a bachelor’s degree from Western Michigan University. Working in sales, he relocated with his family to the Phoenix area in 1973. Phil was well-known for his great sense of humor, hard work, faith, and love for his friends and family. In death, he will join his father, Conrad, and mother, Leona. He is survived by his wife, Lucy Gabriel, his children Barry Gabriel (T. Jay), Beth Gabriel Hill (John), and Jon Gabriel (Angela); his beloved granddaughters Erin, Hayley, Kelsey and Brynn; his dear sisters, Gayle Hoogstraten (Garrett) and Mimi Kerber (Dallas), and Lucy's children, David, Heather, and Michael. A private funeral and memorial service will be held. May he be surrounded in God's light and embrace forever.