Nicolas was born July 8, 2003, in Austin, Texas, making his family feel complete. For seventeen years, he graced the world with an exuberance that could not be contained in one small body. As the condolences and stories of Nicolas have poured in, it has become clear that Nicolas blessed an incalculable number of people. While only God Himself knew Nicolas' full story, we feel compelled to tell you this brief version of his story. Nicolas Francois Newkirk was truly loving, thoughtful and hardworking in everything he did. A few of his favorite things were spending time with his pet pigs, learning new technology, and enjoying time with loved ones. Nick showed love in numerous ways; he spent much time with all of his family and pursued peace. Nick loved making others laugh through jokes and funny photos for all of his friends, specific to the needs of each individual. Nick played a unique role in the family as Dad’s right-hand man, Mom’s garden helper, Gabs’ best buddy and Diego’s best man. His smile, ear to ear, was created by God to light up any and every room. He took an interest in the hobbies of others in order to spend special one-on-one time with his loved ones.
Nicolas, or as you may know him, Pork, was forgiving with his friends, compassionate in daily life, and tender-hearted. Nick was unassuming, patient, kind, loving, thoughtful, and never would hurt anyone. He brought gentleness and purity to all of his efforts. He was insatiably curious, uniquely eclectic, and admirably intentional. Nick loved to entertain, and he could always light up a room with a good joke or goofy hat.
His family knew him as affectionate, sharing big bear hugs with his parents and grandparents. He held great respect for the elderly, always running to help when he saw fit. He dabbled with new recipes and loved cooking meals such as pho, spring rolls, and sushi. He always made plenty for family and friends. Nicolas was ahead of his class, already enrolled in university classes at Austin Community College, studying Radio Television Film. His professors thought of him fondly and saw excitement in this budding young student. His interest in videography and media arts inspired him to pursue this passion.
In his younger years, if anything could be picked up and carried in a pocket, Nick had done it. From rocks to rubber bands and dead lizards, his pockets overflowed with unexpected items each day. He and his siblings would take hours to set up Nerf gun zones and pool parties for just the three of them. Every day was a new adventure, from biking around to explore and running to visit the neighbor’s tortoise. Adventure was a part of Nick’s soul. He relished in outdoor activities of all kinds such as camping and swimming. He spent more time in the water than on dry land. Nick loved to ski, both on water and snow, and he was very gifted at both. His adventurous spirit led him around the country and on many church missions trips to other countries. He enjoyed the experiences of new people and cultures and absorbed many of these practices into his daily routine.
Nicolas wanted nothing but happiness and peace for those around him. His smile was electric and filled a room. He didn’t want pain and sorrow for all of those who loved him. When we continue through life, seeing reminders of Nick in the little things, may we rejoice in his peaceful presence and the love he constantly shared. We will mourn that happy face, because what is grief if not love persevering? Nicolas’ wish for those he loved was healing from pain and the continuance of joy.
Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
The family would like to thank every person who made Nick’s life richer - everyone who shared a piece of themselves with him. We honor and thank everyone who has sent condolences, flowers, photos, gifts, meals, assistance, cards, journal entries, mementos, art, and prayers. May God bring you the peace and joy that Nicolas now has.