Juanita Dolores Salinas gained her wings on November 25, 2021 at the age of 62 in Pasadena, TX. Juanita has reunited with her father and mother, Alberto and Delia Salinas. After having a history of medical problems, she lost a sudden battle and departed this life suddenly from natural causes. She was a selfless and affectionate wife, mother and grandmother. Juanita was born in China, NL, Mexico on October 5, 1959. She married the love of her life, José Luis Salinas. They were married for 35 beautiful years and formed a beautiful family together. Their children: Juan Luis, Jonathan and Jennifer. Those who were followed by three beautiful grandchildren: Yanaly Jayleen, Roman and Yalena Jasmine. She loved her family more than life itself. Juanita was a dedicated housewife who made sure that everything and everyone was cared for at home. Her smile would brighten up the room and her personality would illuminate everyone’s spirit. She will be missed by her beloved family and friends.
Juanita Dolores Salinas nacio el 5 de octubre de 1959 y ganó sus alas el 25 de noviembre de 2021 a la edad de 62 años en Pasadena, TX. Juanita ahora esta al lado de sus padres Alberto y Delia Salinas. Ella perdió la batalla y falleció repentinamente por causas naturales dejándonos un inmenso dolor en el corazón de quienes la amamos. Ella Se casó con el amor de su vida, José Luis Salinas. Estuvieron casados durante 35 hermosos años y formaron una bella familia, sus hijos Juan Luis, Jonathan y Jennifer y sus nietos Yanaly Jayleen,Roman y Yalena Jasmine. Juanita fue una esposa, madre y abuela extraordinaria siempre dedicada a dar amor y bienestar a su familia. Juanita fue una hermana especial siempre haciendo reír y dando amor a todos. Su querida familia y amistades la extrañará.