Robert Laurence Stiles, 75 years old, passed peacefully in his home in Sebastian FL early Saturday 1-24-14. Born in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan January 29, 1938, an only child to the son of an oil driller and loving mother, John and Dorthea Stiles of Wana, WV. A graduate of Clay Battel HS, and West Virginia School of Pharmacy. Whether in his own businesses, a chain store or another independent pharmacy, he was a true professional. He cared deeply for his patients holding himself to the highest standards of his profession. Bob was also a frustrated chef and owned a restaurant in Blacksville, WV.
Surviving family are his beloved soul mate and wife, Susan, three sons, Robbie, Eric and Sean Stiles, four grandchildren Jessica Owings, Cody, Sean and Rachael Ann Stiles; 3 great grandchildren all residing in WV. He will live in the hearts of each of you. Bob has now joined his predeceased son John.
Celebration of life will be held at the Community Center at Park Place.
Friday, 4:00 pm January 28, 2014.
In lieu of flowers we have chosen
The Source 1015 Commerce
Vero Beach, Florida 32960.