Lorraine Beverley Wilmoth, beloved mother of Robin, Rainbow, and Tetra, passed away on Friday, January 31 after a short illness. Known as “Rain” to her family and friends, she was born on September 11, 1945 in Sydney, Australia and moved to the U.S. early in her life with her mother Beverley Dorfman. Rain attended UC Berkeley and was a poet, artist, and political activist.
Rain traveled extensively, and she and her husband Stephen Wilmoth were responsible for the creation of numerous beautiful homes in the Monterey area. Her bridge game was fierce, and she enjoyed birding, reading, and spending time with her close network of friends.
Rain is survived by her daughter Robin Wilmoth Cauchois and grandchildren Liam and Mei Cauchois; her stepfather, Steven Dorfman; three siblings, Lynn Bohlmann, Gene Bohlmann, and Jennifer Hellwarth; and several nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers, please send donations to the Food Bank for Monterey County, 353 W. Rossi St., Salinas, CA 93907.