Né à Hanmer, en Ontario, en 1922, le plus jeune et dernier survivant des quatorze enfants d’Alphonse Pharand et de Georgiana Henri, Donat a servi dans l’armée canadienne, après quoi il a obtenu un LL.M. de l’Université Dalhousie et un doctorat en droit de l’Université de Paris, ainsi que le diplôme de l’Académie de droit international de La Haye. En 1959, il se joint à la faculté de droit de l’Université d'Ottawa où il enseigne pendant vingt-neuf ans dans les sections du Common Law et du Droit civil; durant son congé sabbatique, il obtient un S.J.D. de l’Université du Michigan. Officier de l’Ordre du Canada, il fut l’un des plus éminents spécialistes du droit de la mer et de l’Arctique au Canada, ayant écrit The Law of the Sea of the Arctic, The Northwest Passage: Arctic Straits, et Canada’s Arctic Waters in International Law.
Donat était un optimiste et un pragmatiste qui valorisait l’intégrité, le travail acharné et la réussite scolaire. Très sociable de nature, il avait un caractère enjoué et un sens d’humour apprécié de tous. Donat est décédé paisiblement chez lui à Ottawa le 18 avril 2018 à l'âge de 95 ans et quatre mois. Il est prédécédé par sa première épouse Aline (née Prévost) et sa deuxième épouse Yolaine (née Michaud). Il laisse dans le deuil sa compagne de vingt-cinq ans, Sylvia Herrera, ses trois enfants (avec Aline) Michel (Ginger Young), Bernard, et Gisèle (Tom Schneider), ses petits-enfants Logan, Rees, Peter, et Angéline, ainsi que de nombreux collègues et amis. Un gros merci au personnel du New Edinburgh Square et de l’Edinburgh pour leurs soins et leur compassion sans mesure.
La famille recevra les condoléances à la maison funéraire Racine, Robert & Gauthier, au 180, chemin Montréal, samedi le 28 avril 2018 à compter de de 11:00 am. Une courte messe chrétienne sera célébrée en la chapelle à 12:00 pm.
Born in Hanmer, Ontario, in 1922, the youngest and last survivor of fourteen children of Alphonse Pharand and Georgiana Henri, Donat served in the Canadian Army, after which he earned an LL.M. from Dalhousie University and an LL.D. from the Université de Paris, and also the Diploma from The Hague Academy of International Law. In 1959 he joined the Law faculty at the University of Ottawa, where he enjoyed a distinguished twenty-nine-year teaching career in both the Common Law and Droit Civil sections, and earned an S.J.D. from the University of Michigan while on sabbatical. Recipient of an honorary doctorate from his alma mater, Dalhousie University, and an Officer of the Order of Canada, he was one of Canada’s foremost experts on the law of the sea and the Arctic, and author of The Law of the Sea of the Arctic, The Northwest Passage: Arctic Straits, and Canada’s Arctic Waters in International Law. He was also a key player in promoting the status of French in Ontario schools.
Donat was an optimist as well as a pragmatist who valued integrity, hard work, and academic achievement. Gregarious by nature, he had a playfulness and a keen sense humour beloved by all. Despite his many accomplishments, he never forgot his humble origins and often referred to himself as un p’tit gars de la campagne, “a kid from the country.”
Donat passed away peacefully at home in Ottawa on April 18th 2018 at the age of 95 years and four months. He is predeceased by his first wife Aline (née Prévost) and second wife Yolaine (née Michaud). He is survived by his companion of twenty-five years, Sylvia Herrera, his three children (with Aline) Michel (Ginger Young), Bernard, and Gisèle (Tom Schneider), his grandchildren Logan, Rees, Peter, and Angéline, as well as many colleagues and friends. Special thanks are owed to the staff of both the New Edinburgh Square and The Edinburgh for their unfailing care and compassion.
The family will receive condolences at the Racine, Robert & Gauthier funeral home, at 180 Montreal Rd., on Saturday April 28th 2018 at 11:00 am. A short Christian mass will be held in the Chapel at 12:00 pm.