ORLEANS, MA – John E. Lombardo, 94, passed away peacefully on Saturday, February 1, 2020 after a brief illness. Married to the late Marilyn (Griffin) Lombardo for over 65 years, he was the son of the late Rosalia (Lombardo) and Michael Lombardo. He was born and raised in Hartford, CT and was a Manchester, CT resident for many years before he and Marilyn lived their retirement dream, splitting their time between Orleans, MA and Ft. Pierce, FL.
John was a 1946 graduate of Brown University, and served in the Navy during World War II. He spent his entire career at the Traveler’s Insurance Company, retiring as a Vice President in 1988. A performer in local community theater with a particular affinity for Gilbert and Sullivan, he was also a stamp collector, bridge player, fisherman, bird-watcher, and jazz aficionado.
John is survived by his three sons and their families: John (Hannah) of Cranston, RI and their children Scott (Katie) of Westport, CT, and Sarah and Emily of New York City; Michael (Karen) of Westport, CT and their son Eric of Oakland, CA; and Jeffrey (Elizabeth) and their daughters Kelly and Grace, of Lake Forest, IL. He also leaves a great-granddaughter, Darcy Lombardo, of Westport, CT, and three siblings: Joseph Lombardo of Plymouth, MA, Jean (Lombardo) Zito of Manchester, CT, and Robert Lombardo of Chicago, IL, and their families.
There will be a private memorial service for the family at a later date. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Brown Fund at www.gifts.brown.edu. For online condolences, please visit www.nickersonfunerals.com.
Brown FundBrown University - Gift Cashier, Providence, RI 02912