August 19, 1925 - October 17, 2021
Helen was born and raised in Sioux City, IA
Preceded in death by parents, Clemente and Ruth Cruz, son- Michael. Villarreal, daughter - Rebecca Cruz. Brothers: Rufino, Raymond, Rudy and Clemente Jr. Sisters- Jessie Sanchez, Michaela Cruz, Lucy Keene, Mary Chavez and Cecilia Muñoz. Survived by husband - Ishmeal Villarreal, Daughters: Yolanda Jimenez (Rigoberto), Cora Taylor (Sherrie Heaney), Sons: Ricardo, Rufino, Samuel(Isabel). Grandchildren: Michelle Shea (Jimmy), Rigoberto Jimenez, Juan Luis Cruz, Maria Elena Cruz, Micheal Villarreal, Sarah Villarreal, Rufino A, Villarreal, Alexandria Hanson (Josh). Brother Walter Cruz (Carol).14 great-grandchildren. Many nieces, nephews, and dear friends. The Moreno family, her mother’s family, from Kansas, helped complete her life. Thank you Prestige Care Center-Plattsmouth, for having a considerate and hard-working staff. They gave support above and beyond allowing us to be with my mother during the difficult time.