Curtis Gerald Wallis (Curt) was born in Kiowa County, Oklahoma near the small town of Hobart, and was raised on a farm by hardworking, honest, and parents who were devoted to family. Devotion to family is a trait Curt has passed on to his own family. Curt was the youngest of eight children and began working as a very young child when left home at age 14 to live and work at the fire department in the nearby town of Hobart, Oklahoma. Work integrity, close family values, athletics, and making the grade in school comprised his young life. Curt loved sports and was captain of his high school football team. He was a die-hard fan of the Oklahoma Sooners and the Dallas Cowboys. Many family holidays included two or three television sets turned on with different football games on each television set. In addition, although he worked six days a week, he never missed a game or a music recital that either of his children played.
When Curt was a young child, he became aware that if he died, he was not certain that he knew for sure he would go to Heaven when he died. A friend his age who was certain she would go to Heaven explained to him what the Bible said about going to Heaven. She read Romans 3:23, Luke 13:3, and some others. It was clear to him that he had sinned and that Jesus Christ was the answer to his assurance of eternal salvation. In a simple prayer, he simply confessed his sins, asked God for forgiveness, and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. The Bible explained that this personal experience assured him of eternity in Heaven. Curt never missed an opportunity to tell others of his experience and to help others accept Christ as their Savior. Some of those people he led in that same prayer included his own father-in-law and his seven-year-old daughter. He hurried home from work in the middle of the day to kneel by the bed with his daughter and to lead her to salvation in Jesus Christ.
Introduced to each other by their respective dating partners, Curt and his wife, Peggy, celebrated their marriage ceremony in Peggy’s parents’ home June 16, 1951. A red-haired daughter, Karen, was born to the couple on April 17, 1952. Later, they moved to a small house on a farm in Kiowa County, Oklahoma. On April 28, 1956, their son, Mike, was born and completed their family. Early in their marriage, Curt and Peggy, together, accepted the call to follow Jesus and to raise their family in the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. It was Curt’s desire and his constant prayer that all of his children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and other family members would realize the truth of faith in Jesus Christ.
In late 1956, Curt accepted an employment opportunity in Altus, Oklahoma, and the family moved from the farm to a small house there. For the next 12 years, the family resided and grew in that home. First Baptist Church in Altus was the family’s church home where Curt served in many capacities, including youth ministry, deacon, soul winning, and church education (Sunday School and other educational programs). That call to serve the Lord led the Wallis family to leave a prosperous career in Annuities to enter full time Christian service in 1967 where they moved to Pampa, Texas. Curt served as the Minister of Education and Administration there for two years at Central Baptist Church. In 1969, he accepted a call to First Baptist Church in El Paso, Texas where he served until 1973 when they moved to Odessa to serve on staff at First Baptist Church. Later, Curt served on staff at Crescent Park Baptist Church, but in 1979, left that position to begin a family corporation and to purchase the Beltone Hearing Aid offices in Odessa, Midland, and Big Spring. Even after leaving church ministry as his career, he continued to serve in many capacities, including Deacon, at First Baptist Church. And, he felt like he was helping people by helping them to “hear again”.
During his career in the Hearing Health Care business, Curt was active at the state and national levels in improving the laws governing hearing health care. He served as President of the Texas Hearing Aid Association, winning a prestigious Hearing Health Care Award in 1999. He served for six years on the Board of Directors to the International Hearing Society and Governor for the Southwest Region of the United States. In addition, the Wallises received the Beltone Electronics Corporation’s Regional Excellence Award. The award honors individuals who consistently provide a high level of patient care within their area of responsibility.
These years included many adventures including cruises, a trip to Alaska, Mexico City, Guadalajara, Hawaii, and Canada. Curt was in Rotary and was privileged to be chosen as the escort for Barbara Bush on more than one occasion. He and Peggy were, personally, invited to inaugurations. As a young boy in Oklahoma, Curt never even dreamed that God would bless him with the wonderful life he has been privileged to experience with travel, friends, and family.
Surviving Curt Wallis is his wife, Peggy, his brother Dr. Robert Wallis and his wife, Joan, Curt and Peggy’s children, daughter, Karen Wallis Villaseñor and her husband Josh, and son, Mike Wallis, of Odessa. Also, grandchildren, Joel Villaseñor and wife Tamira of Grand Prairie, TX and his daughters Kylie, Caitrin, and Saela Villaseñor, Lacy Wallis Frederick, her husband, Richard, of Odessa and her sons Dakota and Toby Wise, Lori Villaseñor Mosley and husband James of Odessa and her daughter, Jade Smith and son Levi Mosley, and Chrissy Wallis King and her husband Joe of Melissa, TX and their children Tyler and Jordan King. Josh, Karen, Mike, Joel, and Lori followed Curt in the Hearing Health Care business. To Curt’s joy, Chrissy Wallis King was born on Curt and Peggy’s June 16th Wedding Anniversary!
Psalm 127:3 states, “Children are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from Him.” The Wallises have been rewarded to the fullest by and are totally devoted to that “heritage from the Lord” in their family.
Viewing is scheduled at Frank W. Wilson Funeral Directors from 5 p.m. through 7 p.m. on Friday, January 18.
A Celebration of life for Curt on this Earth and forever in Heaven will be held on Saturday, January 19, 2013, at 1 p.m. at First Baptist Church, Odessa. Dr. Byron McWilliams will officiate with Rev. Curtis Brewer assisting and providing special music.
The family would like to thank Medical Center Hospital, Home Hospice of Odessa, Parks Methodist Retirement Center and the staffs for their loving care of Curt.
In lieu of flowers the family requests donations be made to the First Baptist Church Building Fund or Alzheimer's Association Capital of Texas Chapter, 3429 Executive Center Dr. #100 Austin, TX 78731.
Services are entrusted to Frank W. Wilson Funeral Home.