Carolyn, or Aunt Cackie to some, was born on June 20, 1933, to Denny and Jeanetta Martin in Louisville, Kentucky. She apparently had a great childhood, the eternal tomboy. Then things got even better, the day when she met the love of her life.
It was at the First Baptist Church of Highland Park, a couple years after Maw graduated from high school. He was a seminary student at the time and was interning as Minister of Music there. She was sitting with that cut-up Ruthie in the back row – giggling nauseatingly I’m sure, like young girls are apt to do. Ruthie, upon seeing the new meat stroll out on the dais, said, now paraphrasing, “Wow! Who is that hunk?!” To which Carolyn, according to her, said, also paraphrasing, “That one’s mine! Keep your grubby paws off him!”
Gotta tell you, sounds right to me.
Regardless, Paw didn’t have a chance – not till the day he died. Every minute of every day of his life, he had someone to worry over him, and love him, and send him off to Albritton’s Drugs at any time of day or night for something or other. It should be noted that Albritton’s was Paw’s second favorite place to be, after at home with his loving, devoted son, Tim – and those others (they gave it to me to write; tough).
Yes, Maw and Paw were, as they say, a perfect match; even to their singular destiny.
And what a mom! Scratched knees, bruised feelings, gaping, gushing head wounds (mostly Pat; I had nothing to do with it; he’s clumsy), she did it all!
But really; except for chasing burglars who are running from bad guys out of the house, or shoplifters all the way out to the parking lot at the Palm Beach Mall, or getting up early to go down to the kitchen to turn on the heater – that would be the oven with the door open, we live in south Florida – she was pretty much your regular, run-of-the-mill, Greatest Mom in the World! She will be missed.
And should we mention that unparalleled, uninhibited, sometimes nerve-tingling but always welcome cackle? Ha! Why, I can hear it now; and will for the rest of my days. Her laugh defined infectious, and according to experts was impervious to any known vaccine. Maw showed up, and people laughed. It was as simple as that. Unless she just wasn’t in the mood; that is, Being a Shep. You Shepherds out there know what I’m sayin’. We can be a moody lot. I could go on. Boy, could I go on.
Anyway, Maw and Paw got married in 1954 and had three healthy, bouncing babies: Jan, the oldest and wisest; Tim, least likely to concede; and Patrick, Maw’s “Happy Child.” I never got it myself, but that’s what she called him. I guess after me and Jan, anyone looks happy.
Throughout our childhood, she and Paw were the dynamic duo of church music. You know, in charge of those parts of church kids hate the least, when you get to stand up and stretch out a little and not have to listen to a sermon. Three cheers for music directors and their lovely, lively, talented organist/pianist spouses! Hip-hip, hooray!
As Maw often said, “I’ve had the best life.” Yes, she loved it here, with us; but she was ready and willing to shed these mortal coils and cross that River Jordan. So, that’s what she did, and now she’s with her Lord and all her folks, Uncle Kenny, Aunt Doris, Aunt Mary, and Uncle Randy, all of them gathered around Mom-maw’s kitchen table, laughing and cackling and keeping the neighbors awake into the wee hours – and not a drop of alcohol in sight. Lord a’mercy! And in the other room? There’s Pop-paw, in his chair with that thing that covers his ears. “Danged yaps!” We always thought that thing was for a bad neck. I understand now, Pop-paw. Truly, I do. I could go on; but I won’t.
I just want to say: Good goin’, Maw! Tell everyone we said, “HEY!”
Carolyn is survived by her three children, as stated, and her grandchildren, Crystal Robinson Knezek, Don Robinson, Jason Cadenhead, and Amber Robinson; and her great grandchildren, David Robinson, Annie Knezek, Jack Knezek, and Paul Knezek.
The family requests that flowers and notes be sent to Howard-Quattlebaum Funeral Home, 754 US-1, North Palm Beach, FL 33408, Donations may also be made to St. Jude’s hospital for children, or the ASPCA, Maw’s favorite charities. There will be a viewing between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 17, 2022. Graveside services are scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on the following day, Friday, at Riverside Memorial Park in Tequesta.