Harry Bernard Reich “Hank”, 80 years old passed away on May 1st, 2021. He was the husband of Sharon Jane Reich. They shared 53 years of marriage together and had two children Hank Reich and Dawn Reich. Born in Brooklyn New York, Hank owned an Army and Navy Store. Later, he relocated to Florida and worked maintenance at the parks department for the City of Plantation.
He is survived by wife Sharon, two children Hank and Dawn, grandchildren Jamie, Samantha, James and Max and great grandson Braxton.
He enjoyed football, fishing, and spending time outdoors taking care of his garden. He will be remembered for being a man's man; tough on the outside but a sweetheart on the inside. He always provided for his family and was always there to lend a helping hand. His proudest accomplishments are being a dad and grandpa.
When asking Hanks' family for words that come to mind when they think of him, they responded: gentle, provider, humorous, smile, Jim Beam, jokester, story teller, board game partner, and hard working.
The funeral service will be held on May 5th, 2021 at 10:30 at the Star of David.