Obituary and Celebration of Life for Martha Ingram Oliver Martha Ingram Oliver of Summerville, SC, died at the age of 85 on March 4th, 2017, with great dignity in the comfort of her home surrounded with great love and peace. She was the daughter of deceased Clyde and Lela Ingram of Salisbury, NC. Martha was born in Union, SC on January 21, 1932. At the age of nine, she professed her faith in Jesus Christ. She was a faithful Christian, serving as a Sunday School teacher and choir member. She worked at the Summerville Wal-Mart for 15 years, retiring in 2014. She dearly loved her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Her Christian life was as beautiful as the flowers that she loved so well and her influence will remain in the lives of all who knew her forever. She was preceded by her first husband and father of all her children James Hilborn Evans in 1982 and her second husband, Donald Oliver in 1988. She was also preceded by two brothers Swindle and James Ingram and four sisters Doris, Carolyn, Julie, Eunice. Surviving sisters are Betty Farmer, Venus Eury, and Marian Heidorn of Salisbury, NC Martha’s legacy of faith will forever be cherished in the lives of her children. Her children are: Son - Christopher James Evans (wife Bonnie) of Cameron, NC and four grands Chrissy, Dulcie, Cynthia, and Crystal, and seven great-grands; Son - Gerald Clyde Evans (wife Vicki) of Summerville, SC and grand Jammi, and three great-grands, and two great-great-grands; Daughter - Linda Susan (Evans) Kessler (husband John) of St. George, SC and three grands Glenda, John, and Gregg, eleven great grands, and one great-great-grand; Daughter - Leila Hestine (Evans) O’Neal (husband Danny) of Summerville and four grands Daniel, Jonathan, Rebekah and Matthew, and six great-grands. Friends and family are invited to attend her visitation on Tuesday, March 7, 2017 from 6-8 pm at Carolina Memorial Park. Service and Celebration of Life Burial will be held on Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 1pm at Carolina Memorial Park. Friends and family are also invited for food and fellowship in Nana’s yard.