Beloved Wife of the late Felix "Brother" Dottolo. Loving Mother of Charles Weber (Lesley), Josh Weber, Danielle Weber Matherne (Craig), Corey and Brandon Arabie. Step-Mother of Belinda W. Mauduit (Steve), Theresa W. Trahan (Tobey), and Daniel J. "Danny" Weber Jr. (Sissy). Daughter of the late Charles A. "Charlie" Mancuso Sr. and the late Rosemary Palmisano Mancuso. Sister of Charles "Chuck" Mancuso Jr., Larry Mancuso Sr. (Jamie), Pat Mancuso and Tanya Doherty (Michael). Nana to Nick St. Pierre, Caleb and Lana Weber. Loving Aunt to many nieces and nephews.
Relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the visitation at H.C. Alexander Funeral Home, 821 Fourth Street, Norco, LA on Monday September 15, 2014, 9:00-11:30AM. Followed by a funeral Mass at St. Charles Borromeo in Destrehan, LA at 12 Noon. Condolences may be expressed at
Arrangements under the direction of H.C. Alexander Funeral Home, Norco, LA.