KAHN--Olivia, 95, on December 19. Daughter of Modernist architect Ely Jacques Kahn and Elsie Plaut, sister of E.J. Kahn Jr. of The New Yorker and mystery editor Joan Kahn, and aunt to Ely Jacques Kahn III, Joseph Plaut Kahn and Hamilton Rice Kahn. Artist, sculptor, world traveler, theatre lover and friend to many writers, editors and artists. A true New Yorker-- couldn't drive, lived on 36th Street for 77 years, read and evaluated every manuscript her sister published. Graduate of Bryn Mawr, studied at the Art Students League, walked two miles to and from her downtown studio for more than seven decades. A service will be held Sunday, December 27 at the Frank E. Campbell Funeral Chapel at 1076 Madison Avenue, beginning at 11am.