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Tip MaplesHusband of 60 years

David and Tami MaplesSon and Wife

Blake MaplesGrandchild

Davee' Michelle LeabowGrandchild

Dominick WidnerGreata Grandchild

Eli WidnerGreat Grandchild

Haliey WidnerGreat Grandchild

Shane LeabowGreat Grandchild

Eva Maples BowlingSpecial Niece, who she loved dearly

George S. ShortFather (deceased)

Ruby Lourine ShortMother (deceased)

Henry ShortBrother (deceased)

James ShortBrother (deceased)

A host of nieces, nephews and other family and friends.


Dexter DayActive Pallbearer

Dominick WidnerActive Pallbearer

Eli WidnerActive Pallbearer

Steven LeabowActive Pallbearer

Howard CuppActive Pallbearer

Ellis SealsActive Pallbearer

The Deacons of Goins Chapel ChurchHonorary Pallbearer


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