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Sabrina ChildressWife

Paul ChildressSon

Makaylah ChildressDaughter-in-law

Xayvain ChildrenGrandson

Olivia Grace ChildressDaughter

Michael Allen ChildressSon

Michael and Ruby ChildressBrother and his wife

Paige and Mittie ChildressMichael and Ruby's Children

Lena Donelson and James Mitchell ChildressParents

Jessica Louise DonelsonGrandparent (deceased)

Joyce Childress and Jimmy ChildressGrandparents (deceased)

James Michell ChildressFather (deceased)


Tim WestActive Pallbearer

Paul Childress, Jr.Active Pallbearer

Michael ChildressActive Pallbearer

Timothy HallActive Pallbearer

Lucas McAfeeActive Pallbearer

Justin MalynnActive Pallbearer

Chris JollyHonorary Pallbearer

Michael ChildressHonorary Pallbearer

Brandon HallHonorary Pallbearer

William ValentineHonorary Pallbearer

Kenyon ReeceHonorary Pallbearer

Willie RichardsonHonorary Pallbearer

Past Services

Friday,September 23, 2022

Family and Friends are invited to Coffey Funeral Home in remembrance and celebration of a life that will never be forgotten