Patsy ShellWife (deceased)
Kristie Hope ShellDaughter (deceased)
Charlie ShellFather (deceased)
Minnie ShellMother (deceased)
Molly ShellGrandmother (deceased)
Charlie Shell Sr.Grandfather (deceased)
James "Jim Bob" Mitchell Shell Jr.Son
Charlie Lee Shell (Missy)Son
Colson Andrew Cash ShellSon
Karson TurnerGrandson
Korbin MiracleGrandson
Karley ShellGranddaughter
Charlsie Shell PorterSister
Charles Robert ShellBrother
Monica Massengill (Terry)Special Niece
Tammy Mills Dodson (Greg)Niece
Janie Carstedt (John)Niece
Seth MassengillGreat Nephew
Jason CarstedtGreat Nephew
Johnathan CarstedtGreat Nephew
Lindsey JohnsonGreat Niece
As well as a host of other relatives and friends.As well as a host of other relatives and friends.
Terry MassengillActive Pallbearer
Seth MassengillActive Pallbearer
Greg DodsonActive Pallbearer
Jeff CooperActive Pallbearer
Jay RutherfordActive Pallbearer
Jason HayesActive Pallbearer
Dennis HowardHonorary Pallbearer
Donnie NoeHonorary Pallbearer
Doug Young