Joseph "Boots" Gattuso, Jr.,a resident of Sharpsburg,Georgia for 20 years, died onMonday, January 19, 2015. Joewas born on November 9, 1942in New Orleans and grew up inCarrollton. Joe is survived byhis loving wife of 30 years,Patricia O'Regan Gattuso. Heis also survived, loved, and willbe missed by his younger sis-ters, Beverly Gattuso Hawkins,and Mary Gattuso Palmer. Joeloved dearly, and was loved bynumerous nieces, nephews,grandnieces, and grandneph-ews. He is preceded in deathby his parents, Joseph andAgnes Gattuso, an older sister,Magdalene Gattuso, and hisolder brother, Philip Gattuso.Joe attended Mater Dolorosaand DeLaSalle, and served inthe United States Air Forceregulars. He was a longtimeemployee of Delta Air Lines inNew Orleans and Atlanta. Joewas an avid sports fan and adevoted friend to many. Visita-tion will be on Saturday, Janu-ary 24, at St. Catherine ofSiena Church, 105 BonnabelBoulevard, Metairie, from 9:00a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The funeralmass will follow at 11:00 a.m.with internment at MetairieCemetery. Donations may bemade to the Wounded WarriorProject in his memory.