Show your support


Susan Moore NoelLoving wife of 16 years

Geri Lynn Aucoin (Dwayne)Step Daughter

Dustin BoninStep Son

Micheal Gautreaux (Dana)Step Son

Wesley Gautreaux (Jenny)Step Son

Steven GautreauxStep Son

Daniel GautreauxStep Son

Sarah LeiserGranddaughter

Gabi AucoinGranddaughter

Karen Fuller (Ed)Sister

Janet CheeksSister

Johnny NoelBrother

Foy Madine Turner (Edric)Mother-in-law

Hary HebertDear Friend

Freddie CrawfordDear Friend

JR AucoinDear Friend

Ronald Maurice NoelSon (deceased)

Morris & Barbary Fontenot NoelParents (deceased)


Micheal Gautreaux

Dennis Craft

Kyle Johnson

Kyle Brack

Chris Fox

Dwayne Delcambre

Freddy CrawfordHonorary

Edric TurnerHonorary

Harry HebertHonorary

Past Services

Friday,July 09, 2021

A Celebration of Life Gathering

Friday,July 09, 2021

Funeral Service Celebration