Mary Danehy Nash recently passed due to a very rare, very aggressive cancer. She was born on October 23, 1941 to parents Aloysius and Katherine Danehy in Peoria, Illinois. She spent her early years on a farm and always thought of herself as a farm girl. Shortly after college graduation, she married and began a family. Once her children were in school she began a career in child care where she became the director of centers in El Paso, Texas and in North Little Rock, Arkansas. She then taught kindergarten at a Little Rock parochial school. Her constant devotion to children earned her the tittle of "Incurable Mother". Another important aspect of her life was a strong religious devotion.
Upon retiring to New Braunfels in 2005, she became an active member of Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church parish. She is a past president of the Rosary Guild, a member of Catholic Women, with her husband a pre-Cana counselor for engaged couples, and a weekly participant in adoration. For fun, Mary was active in the New Braunfels Newcomers Club and she played the ukulele in the Golden Oldies Band at the Senior Center.
She was preceded in death by her son Brian (aged 6 months), her sister Janet, and her brother-in-law Jim. She is survived by husband Michael; children, Stephen, Molly, Maureen and Jeffrey; grandchildren, Morgan, Madeline, Megan, Meridith and Elliot; sister Ellen and brother Patrick.
Funeral Mass will be held at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, 386 N Castell Ave, New Braunfels, TX 78130 at 2:00pm on December 10, 2020. Burial will take place at Sts. Peter and Paul Cemetery #2, 5717 FM 482, New Braunfels, TX 78132 . Visit her website at to leave your memories and condolences for the family. In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to The American Cancer Society or Hope Hospice.