Janet F. Reeling, a beloved wife, mother and friend passed away peacefully on October 10, 2024 at the age of 93. She was surrounded by friends and caregivers at the time of her passing at Dignity Care of New Braunfels, a home that she had recently moved to and loved so very much.
A resident of New Braunfels, Texas, Jan’s life was a testament to kindness, generosity and a devoted commitment to her faith and church, The First United Methodist Church of New Braunfels.
Born on April 13, 1931 in Frederick, Maryland to Harry Miller and Charlotte Summers, Jan was an only child.
On August 22, 1953, Jan married the love of her life, Kenneth Reeling, and together they shared over 50 years of love, devotion and traveling; visiting Australia, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, New Zealand, England and many places throughout the United States. They had a daughter, Janet Lee Reeling born August 13, 1954. Both husband and daughter passed in 2005 and 2022, respectively.
The family lived in California and Arizona before moving to Texas. Jan was an elementary school teacher in California from 1968-1988 and she was named Teacher of the Year in the Pleasant Valley School District in 1986. She was a Member of the Delta Kappa Gamma Educators Foundation, an organization that recognizes Outstanding Teachers; and a Member of the New Braunfels Teachers Association enjoying monthly luncheons with fellow teachers.
Jan’s sense of humor and happy generous spirit touched everyone that she met. Always ready for an adventure, Jan enjoyed music, dancing, theater, playing Bridge, Canasta and her recent favorite card game, King’s in the Corner. She was an avid reader, enjoyed puzzles and had recently become a St. Louis Cardinals fan watching ball games with the residents in her care home. She always looked forward to eating out, having favorite eateries such as Montana Mike’s, Dairy Queen, Chicken Salad Chick, Jason’s Deli and her most favorite – Raising Cane’s! Jan was an honorary Caniac! Thank you Kevin for always making Jan smile.
Her faith was of utmost importance to her. She was a member of Mary Circle and a Member of the Revised Version Sunday School Class for over 20 years; and she participated in bible study on a regular basis.
Friends are invited to celebrate her life and to share in fellowship at the First United Methodist Church, 572 W. San Antonio St., New Braunfels, TX on November 6, 2024 at 11:00 AM.
Thank you to her many loving caregivers; to Advanced Home Health Care Services and to Hope Hospice of New Braunfels for their dedication and commitment to keeping Jan comfortable and at peace in her last days.
I miss her so much; and know she is missed by countless others who had the blessing of knowing this sweet, happy and faithful friend. She was a true example of God’s unwavering love for others.