Bernard Fishman wouldn't leave us without a fight, and fight he did up until his passing on March 4th. When the doctors told him his health was declining and surgery was a long shot, he approached surgery with an absolute certainty. He went to the hospital with his bag packed full of papers, telling his clients he would talk to them next week. For him it was never a question of if he would make it, it was a question of how. He approached all of his life with this determined attitude, never backing down from a challenge, no matter the arena. He applied the same analytical mind and undaunted outlook to everything from his cases to family discussions. He passed down his sharp intellect to his two children, Kara and Charles, which led to interesting conversations about the world. His wife, Sandy, didn't always agree with his opinions, but respected and loved him for their differences. The two had a 63 year long marriage that most of us can only look at with awe.
Bernie was a man of many achievements. He started life earlier than most, graduating high school at the age of sixteen. He went on to Warton School of Pennsylvania, served 2 years in the army, and learned about his second love, law, at Columbia Law School. He continued his education at NYU, gaining a masters degree in taxation to add to his growing list of accomplishments. He entered the next stage of his life as a husband, father, first Lieutenant, and lawyer. Later he added grandfather to his many titles, with Eva having his two grandchildren Rebecca and David.
Our memories of Bernie, pepa & Dad are filled with football games, operas, and more trips skiing or scuba diving than can be counted. He was a man on the move, who got up with the sun every morning and packed as much into each day as he possibly could. He loved the opera, the Giants, and scuba diving, but most of all, he loved his family.
Looking back at his life, starting in NYC in 1933 and ending in 2022, there are two abundantly clear truths. First, He lived a vivacious life full of achievement and love. Second, even at the age of 88, he died far too young.
Funeral services will be held Sunday March 6, 9am, at Temple Israel of New Rochelle. Funeral services can be live streamed. Burial will follow @ Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Valhalla. Followed by Shiva at the family home in Hartsdale from 3pm to 5pm on Sunday, and continuing Monday March 7 from 3pm to 5pm and 6pm to 8pm.