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S.D. and Florence GriffinPaternal Grandparents (deceased)

Carlton FlowersMaternal Grandfather (deceased)

Milton FlowersUncle (deceased)

Stacey Lynn GriffinWife

Lynleigh Rose GriffinDaughter

Ansleigh Lyn GriffinDaughter

Dawson MimsSon

John Howell GriffinFather

Vivian GriffinMother

Barnie Ree FlowersGrandmother

Steven is also survived by numerous Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and extended Family and Friends.


Michael SikesPallbearer

Members of Hampden Sidney Masonic Lodge of MillbrookPallbearer

Alabama Law Enforcement AgencyHonorary Pallbearer

Past Services

Tuesday,September 04, 2018


Tuesday,September 04, 2018

Celebration of Life