Linda Rae Ferre was called home December 22, 2021. She was amazing in her determination to not give in to serious illnesses. She recovered from the brink of death some 23 years ago following surgery and 10 days on life support. Having been diagnosed with cancer 4 years ago, she was relentless in her fight. Several surgeries and three rounds of chemotherapy extended her life beyond the initial prognosis of six months to live. She literally fought to the end and never gave up. We admire her courage and strength and above all, her upbeat and positive attitude to the finish line. She is dearly loved and will be missed by too many to count.
Linda enjoyed the great outdoors with friends and family on the ski slopes as a racer and instructor; on the water kayaking, sailing, waterskiing, whitewater rafting, paddleboarding, fishing; and in the mountains and red rock country hiking, camping, and guiding jeep tours. Of course, dogs were also her family and literally joined her everywhere, even on the ski slopes.
At an early age, Linda discovered her talent and love of the arts. She enjoyed music and was a skilled singer, she played the accordion, banjo, and guitar. She painted, sketched, and earned her bachelor’s degree in photography and graphic design which led to a successful career and an impressive portfolio. During her long career with the LDS church, she was part of the design team for church logos, print and electronic media, manuals and monuments for temples and ward houses around the world. Many designs had to be translated and modified into over 80 languages.
She was a caring and loving daughter, sister-in-law, aunt, great aunt, friend, neighbor, and the best sister two brothers could have asked for.
Linda was preceded in death by her parents, Brett Ferre (nephew), Matthew Lewis (great nephew) and some beloved dogs. She is survived by Brother Fred Budd Ferre (Rennae), Randall James Ferre (Denise), seven nieces/nephews, 22 great nieces/nephews and one great-great-nephew. Also survived by her loyal companion, her dog Sophie.