The beloved brother, husband, father, and grandfather is survived by his son, Ronald, his daughters, Maricela and Aurora, and his grandchildren Alexandra, Andrea, Jeidy, Henly, and Issac.
Rigoberto moved from Cuba to New York in 1957 seeking a better life. This is where he met the love of his life, Jancina (Pucha), whom he was married to until her passing in 2015. Rigo was also a business owner, owning several dry cleaners during the course of his life until he retired and moved to Florida in 1998. He was a proud member of the Masons and the New York Cuban Lions Club.
His real passion in life, however, was his family.
The funeral service will be held at Caballero Woodlawn South, Chapel A at 9 am on Saturday, 8th August 2020. Masks must be worn at all times; Facebook Live Stream will be available for all family and friends that can’t be in attendance. We would like to thank all of our family and friends for their support during this difficult time. We completely understand if you can’t attend in person considering everything going on, we know Dad is in your thoughts and prayers.
Rigoberto Daly, 87 años, de Casilda, Cuba, falleció en su casa el 2 de agosto de 2020.
El querido hermano, esposo, padre y abuelo le sobreviven su hijo, Ronald, sus hijas, Maricela y Aurora, sus nietas Alexandra, Andrea, Jeidy y sus nietos Henly y Issac.
Rigoberto dejo Cuba y comenzo su vida en Nueva York en 1957 en busca de una vida mejor. Conocio a el amor de su vida Jancina (Pucha) y estuvieron casados hasta que ella fallecio en el 2015. Rigo se convirtió en propietario de un negocio, siendo dueño de varias tintorerías durante el transcurso de su vida hasta que se retiró y se mudó a Florida en 1998. Rigoberto era Masón y miembro del Club de Leones Cubanos de Nueva York.
Su verdadera pasión en la vida, sin embargo, era su familia.
El funeral se llevará a cabo en Caballero Woodlawn South, Capilla A a las 9 am el sábado 8 de agosto de 2020.Las mascaras deben ser usadas en todo momento. Tendremos facebook en vivo para todos los que no pueden asistir. Queremos agradecerles a toda nuestra familia y amigos por su apoyo en este momento dificil. Comprendemos si no pueden asitir en persona en medio de esta situacion y sabemos que nuestro padre esta en sus pensamientos y oraciones.
Ronald DalyHijo