She was a very beautiful woman physically, but her real beauty was manifested in the way she treated other people, always with a smile, kindness and patience. She had no personal agenda except to live the “Golden Rule”. She was honest, caring and open to all.
A bit later in life, she had an experience that she described as “being enveloped in Gods’ Love”. From that moment on, she was committed to increasing her understanding of that Love and how to express that understanding, more and more, in all aspects of her life. This devotion gave her the strength to carry on under some difficult circumstances.
JoAnn loves her family; daughters Melissa Ann, Amanda Marie and granddaughters Alexa, Kailyn, Kenja, and Thevenet - sisters Debbie and Vicky and (most of the time) her husband Michael. She also loves the only “son” she ever had - Jackson The Cat –
May God Grant You The Peace You So Richly Deserve
She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.
Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gates.
Proverbs 31:10-12
In lieu of flowers, JoAnn would appreciate a donation to your
favorite Church or Charity or to the Arizona Humane Society.