Riley Anne Hanson, 16 years young, born October 26, 2001 in Merced, Ca passed away on Sunday September 23, 2018. Riley was a senior at El Capitan High School. Riley was involved in many creative and artistic activities, with her first love Color Guard. Riley had many projects lined up for her senior year, she was excited for upcoming parade season and choreographing the dance to El Capitan High Schools’ upcoming production of The Twelfth Night. An outstanding student and a lover of math, Riley’s plans were to become a high school math teacher. Riley recently shared her “crazy dream” to become a professional dancer. Riley fiercely supported those she felt oppressed and with pride supported the LGBTQ community. Riley loved all things musical, loved to dance and with her infectious beautiful smile is fondly remembered as “Smiley Riley”. Riley is loved and greatly missed by her two families who raised her together. Riley is survived by her father Nathan Hanson and mother Jessica Escobar, her loving step parents Matthew Escobar and Ann Hanson. Her siblings Deborah Escobar, Courtney Volk, Katie Escobar, Hannah Escobar, Matthew Escobar II, Kate Hanson, Avery Hanson and Kennedy Hanson. Rileys grand parents Pam Grant, Craig and Jacki Hanson, and Roger Perez and Marie Hinesley. Rileys’ Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday October 6, 2018 10:00 a.m. at Yosemite Church in Merced, Ca. Dance, dance, dance Smiley Riley.