Ruth Jane Davis, age 86, of Memphis, Tennessee, passed away at home, on Thursday, December 22, 2022. Ruth was born June 22, 1936, in Memphis, to Robert Hayes, Jr. and Vernice Begley Hayes. She attended Booker T. Washington High School, Tennessee State University, and Memphis State University. Ruth Jane as a passionate educator for over 35 years. Her love of teaching impacted hundreds of second graders and positively influenced her peers, administrators, and anyone who had the privilege of witnessing her in the classroom. She was loved volunteering, and was involved in several organizations, including Memphis Interfaith Association.
Ruth Jane loved the church and was an active member of St. Peter Missionary Baptist Church. When the church made the decision to build, it was Ruth Jane who took on the leadership role as chairperson of the building committee. With her persistence, dedication, and vision on the building committee, St. Peter added additional classrooms for Christian education programs, improved its Ladies Lounge and restroom facilities, parking area, etc. She was also actively involved in St. Peter's vacation bible school and Sunday school.
When St. Peter joined SCI (Shelby County Interfaith), Ruth Jane took on leadership roles that led to the establishment of the first set of Nehemiah Housing Project established for lower income residents of Shelby County to become homeowners. She used her energy, experiences, determination, dedication, and skills to provide opportunities for the least of these. Ruth Jane worked tirelessly to reach her goal of hearing her Savior say to her, "well done my good and faithful servant."
She is survived by her daughter, Judy Elaine Davis, her granddaughter Stephanie Hill (Alan), and her great-grandchildren, Aidan Hill, Ashton Hill, Savannah Hill, and Vivian Hill.
Ruth Jane was preceded in death by her parents Robert Hayes, Jr. and Vernice Hayes, as well her infant son, Lawrence Davis.
Her celebration of life service will be held on Saturday, January 7 at 2:00 PM, at Memphis Funeral Home, 5599 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN 38119.
Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at for the Davis family.
Judy Elaine DavisDaughter
Stephanie Hill (Alan)Granddaughter
Aidan Hill, Ashton Hill, Savannah Hill, and Vivian HillGreat Grandchildren
Robert Hayes, Jr. and Vernice HayesParents (deceased)
Lawrence DavisInfant Son (deceased)