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Kendall Joy Blaylock and Sienna Rose BlaylockGreat Nieces and Lights of his life

Chris and Andrea BlaylockKendall and Sienna's Parents

Mary Von MitrosSpecial Aunt

Willard “Faye” Davis Mock (Arlis)Aunt

Pam Davis Horton (Michael), Patti Davis Bennett, Patricia Davis Green, Carolyn Davis McClellan (Jimmy), Wayne Davis and Step Sister Candy Cox Mache (Richard), Davis Michael Horton, Trent Author “Tab” Bennett II (Paige), Wendi Bennett Stone (Justin), Micah Horton Yeck (Paul)Cousins on the Davis’ side

Jimmy and Nancy Mitros, Mary Erin Mitros, Catherine May (Matt), John Mitros, Anna Mae Mitros, Jeanne Mitros, Meagan Ybos, Susannah Hutchens (Skip), Gregory Mitros, Jamie Cover (Chad), Mallory Kelley (Richard),and Josh BrownCousins on the Brown side


Bobby Cline

Orange "Rainbow" Rainey

Michael Horton

Justin Stone

Davis Horton

Tab Bennett

Richard Kelley

Bud Davis Cadillac familyHonorary Pallbearers


Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital848 Adams Ave, Memphis, TN 38104

Porter-Leath Children’s Home1556 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104

Past Services

Saturday,January 23, 2021

Livestream Funeral Service