Predeceased by his brother Gordon in 2004, and his father Arthur in 2019, he is survived by his beloved mother Ruth Wolfe, his loving wife Robyn Wolfe, his adored children Evan, and Griffin Wolfe, his loving sister Rhonda Ross (Zeke), his father in law Robert Lipp, his sister in law Joanne Wolfe, his sister and brothers in law Patti (Pete) Zakow, and Eric (Sharon) Lipp.
Robert also leaves behind his beloved nieces and nephews, Rachael, Hannah, Austin, Wyatt, Owen, Samantha, Dylan, Danielle, and Hannah, and many friends who were like family to him.
Funeral Services will be held at Bloomfield-Cooper Jewish Chapels on Thursday, July 13, 2023 at 11:00 am. The services will be live streamed on zoom using this link:
Meeting ID: 924 1578 5596
Passcode: Wolfe
Interment will follow at Cedar Park, Paramus, NJ.
The family will be sitting shiva on Thursday after the burial, Friday from 11-5pm, Saturday from 7-10pm, and Sunday from 1-5pm and 7-10pm. Minyan will be held on Thursday at 7 pm, Saturday at 8 pm and Sunday at 4:30 pm.
Memorial Donations in his memory may be made to the Matthew Friedman Memorial Foundation