Lois was the beloved mother of Jamie Charney (Jason), David Solomon (Laurie) and Joshua Solomon (Sarah) and sister to Ina Broder and daughter of the late Gertie and Jack Kramer. She was blessed with nine grandchildren, Gabriel, Daniel, Benjamin, Rebecca, Jacob, Marisa, Liam, Anna and Lucy. They were always the apples of her eye.
Lois had a long career as an elementary school teacher in both Brooklyn and East Brunswick. She was a recipient of the teacher of the year award at Lawrence Brook Elementary School and is loved by so many of her former students and colleagues.
Lois was dedicated to her work for Susan Komen, raising tens of thousands of dollars to support breast cancer research. She received the Avis Spirit Award for her work for Susan Komen, presented to her by Joe Girardi on the field at Yankee Stadium.
She was a loyal friend to so many, and made new friends wherever she went.
Lois will be sorely missed by her family and friends and her memory will always be carried in our hearts.