Odessa Corley Beckham IsbellMother (deceased)

Athol Curtis BeckhamFather (deceased)

Dale H. DixonHusband (deceased)

Paige Moxley HaddenDaughter (deceased)

Stacey HardyGranddaughter (deceased)

William Raymond BeckhamBrother (deceased)

Alvin Willard IsbellBrother (deceased)

Lynn Moxley Griffin (Wayne)Daughter

Dolores Moxley Lipford (Russell)Daughter

Denise Moxley HardyDaughter

Melody Moxley Lanni (Romeo)Daughter

Tammy Griffin Sanchez (Luis)Grandchild

Kimberly Griffin KingGrandchild

James Russell Lipford, III (Angela)Grandchild

Kevin Earl Lipford (Andrea)Grandchild

Jeremy Micah LipfordGrandchild

Charlton Andrew HardyGrandchild

Carol Ford (Jimmy)Sister

Eleven Great Grandchildren Five Great Great Grandchildren Several Nieces and Nephews


Liberty United Methodist Church6511 Houston Road, Macon, GA 31216

Heart of Georga Hospice103 Westridge Drive, Warner Robins, GA 31088

Methodist Home for Children and Youth304 Pierce Avenue, Macon, GA 31204

Past Services

Tuesday,November 10, 2020

Graveside Service