Emily Levon Holden, 24, passed away on the evening of May 7, 2016 due to a tragic accident involving two ATVs. We will be celebrating Emily’s life at Macon Memorial Park, 3969 Mercer University Dr. from 6:00pm-8:00pm, Wednesday, May 11, 2016 with a viewing. Instead of flowers, we would ask that you bring stories and memories to be recorded for her family to save.
Emily was a person who loved adventure and lived to fill every moment she was granted with the experience of life. She was a determined and tough young woman who willed herself through any tough situation. She always made time to care for the ones that she loved with a wonderful kind heart. This was the attitude behind her crafty phrase she called “Holden Strong.”
She was known for her wacky, fun, goofy personality that kept everyone around her smiling from ear to ear. Emily also had a kindness to her that was so rare it was often misunderstood. If someone needed a helping hand it was always her that reached out first with no regard to anything around her. To encourage, inspire, send flowers, or just provide the warm hugs she loved to give. It was all free with no thought of anything in return. For most of us it takes courage to be the person that God designed us to be, for Emily, that is exactly who and what she was. She treated everyone exactly the same and if she saw someone not being treated fair, she was the first to step in and right the wrong.
Emily loved her family more than anything in the world. All of her Uncles, Aunts, and Cousins especially her Grandparents were included in her understanding of the word family. But her immediate family was her most precious treasure of all. She looked up to and admired her brother, Joshua Roy Holden, who she called “Bubba.” Her sister, Hannah Rachel Holden, is her true best friend. Her Mother, Levon Cole, was her spiritual guidance and counselor. Her Dad, Mark Holden, was Emily’s inspiration and true life hero. But, it was her niece, Harley Martel, that Emily loved the most. The sun rose and set in her sister’s little girl, Harley.
Emily also had a wide range of friends. She made them everywhere she went. She had many close friends in Kansas where she was raised. She also had many close friends in Georgia where she made a new home and was affectionately known by the nickname of “Kansas.” There was one though that found his way very close to her heart. David (Dal) Gray of Macon Georgia was her love. She loved the time they shared.
It isn’t how many years you live. It is how much life you live in those years. Emily had lived three lifetimes of adventure, love, fun, and genuine care by the age of twenty-four. Because that is the way she chose to live. All out. Genuinely true to the way God had designed her to be. No pretense. No apologies for who she was. She was taken from us way too early. She had so much more to give.
Visit www.maconmp.com to express condolences.
Macon Memorial Park Funeral Home has charge of local arrangements.