Pamela "Pam" Sue Anderson TaylorDaughter

Steven H. TaylorSon-in-Law

Robert Peeles, his wife Loreta and their daughter Kate PeelbesNephew

Bruce Honea, his wife Rhonda and their children Jeremy, Jared, Janna and several grandchildrenNephew

Jilly Platt Carswell and husband MikeClose Family Friends

Predeceasing Lucille were her parents, Robert Blake Peebles and Iona Frazier Clark Peebles; her brother, Robert Blake Peebles, Jr. and wife Willie Ruth; and her three sisters, Mary Elizabeth Peebles, Katherine Alice Peebles, and Lois June Peebles Jeffrey, and her husband Bud. Additionally, she was predeceased by her husbands’ twin sister, Faye Honea, and Faye’s husband George Honea. Also predeceasing Lucille were her daughter, Patricia “Pat” L. Anderson, and her grandson, Cyrus Raye Markle.

Past Services

Tuesday,October 05, 2021


Tuesday,October 05, 2021

Funeral Service