Show your support


Elaine HunterWife

Jennifer Hunter WalzDaughter

Wyland Lee Hunter and companion Andrea HaleSon

Sharon Metcalf McDonaldSister

Hunter and Harrison WalzGrandsons

Ashley ReevesNiece

Buddy ZeaglerBrother-in-Law

He was also survived by his beloved dachshund Wolfy and his cats. Jimmywas preceded in death by his son, James P. (Jay) Hunter, IV; and his parents, Ellen Ruth (Irick) and James Powell Hunter, Jr.


Hunter WalzActive

Harrison WalzActive

J. Patrick DohertyActive

Joe Max GreenActive

Jim KinghamActive

Vince WhitakerActive

Lt. Col. John BatemanActive

Thomas MetcalfActive

Will LeeActive

Ken SmithActive

David HillActive

Charles FredrickActive

Jack MartinActive

Past Services

Wednesday,October 06, 2021


Thursday,October 07, 2021

Funeral Service