Jenn departed us too soon, leaving her loved ones here with the memory of a love of life bordering on crazy, a personality as bright and warm as the sun and a spirit nothing could hold back.
Jenn was a graduate of South Oldham High School, Sullivan University and a valued employee of Allscripts.
She loved celebrating life with her friends and family gathered together at music festivals or singing and dancing around a radio where she would inevitably be DJ-ing.
As greatly as Jennifer loved her family so too will she be missed by her husband, David; parents, Frank and Jeanne; brothers, Chris and Scott; and all the friends whose lives she has touched.
A mass to celebrate Jennifer’s life will be conducted at 12:00 PM Saturday, May 25, 2013 at St. Bernadette Catholic Church, 6500 St. Bernadette Ave. Prospect, KY. Burial will follow in Floydsburg Cemetery. Visitation will be from 4-8 PM on Friday at Arch L. Heady and Son at Westport Village, 7410 Westport Rd.
In lieu of customary expressions, contributions should be directed to The Apple Patch Community, 7408-A Hwy 329, Crestwood, KY 40014.