Longview surrounded by his family.
Aviewing will be heldfrom 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 24, 2018, at
Lakeview Memorial Gardens, 5000 W. Harrison Road, Longview, Texas 75604.
Services will be held at 2:00 p.m., Thursday, January 25th at Buckner Westminster Place,
2201 Horseshoe Lane, Longview, 75605.
John was born October 30, 1936 in McKinney, Texas to Warner and Ruby Dodson Fite.
He was the only son and middle child between 2 sisters.
Hegraduated from AtlantaHighSchool andattended East Texas State University in
Commerce(now a branch of Texas A&M) on a basketball scholarship. Upon graduation he went
on to attend BaylorDental Schoolin Dallas and aftergraduating he begana practice in Longview
spanning 46 years, until his retirement in 2011.
An avid tennis player, golfer, hunter, fisherman and all-round outdoors man, John was
forever active and in excellent health until his diagnosis of Alzheimer's 2 years ago.
John especially enjoyed hunting, fishing with his boys.
John's legacy, other than his sons, Bion and Aaron, and his grandchildren, is his service
to others. He had a lifelong passion for helping others in need. From numerous trips to Central
and South America to serving on a ship for Mercy Ships, John provided his dental services to
those less fortunate for decades. Even after retirement, he volunteered at area prisons in
Louisiana and Texas offering his dental services.
His life's mission, his purpose-filled life affected the lives of many. A quiet, gentle man
with a loving, gracious heart will forever be our memories of a beloved father, husband,
grandfather, uncle, brother and son. He will be sorely missed.
John is survived by his wife of 36 years, Rose, 2 sons, Bion and wife Kelly of South
Boston, Virginia, their children Patrick Currie and Austin.
Aaron and his wife Amy of Longview and their child Aden.
Ken Reynolds and his wife Kimberly of College Station and their children Joel, Reagan,
Josh and Jordan.
John was predeceased by his parents, a sister Delores, Rose's daughter Kimberly
Reynolds and grandson, Ryan Reynolds.
In lieu of flowers, the family kindly requests any donations in John's name to the Buckner
Foundation or Mercy Ships.