James Concha Sanchez, born March 25, 1933, in Timbio, Colombia, peacefully departed this earth on August 12, 2023, embraced by his loving family. A life rich with adventure, knowledge, empathy, and love came to a close.
An avid traveler, James wholeheartedly embraced diverse cultures. Moving from Colombia to the United States in 1967, he embarked on a journey of exploration, fostering connections in landscapes and languages. A scholar at heart, he mastered photography, entomology, and languages including Spanish, English, French, and Japanese, bridging hearts across cultures.
James emanated friendship and compassion. As a cherished grandfather, father, uncle, and dear friend, he created enduring bonds wherever he went. Giving back, James spent many years volunteering at hospitals and assisting Spanish speakers in learning English. His generous spirit and unwavering dedication to helping others bridged gaps and created stronger communities.
In his final days, James was surrounded by the love of his family, with a special bond shared with his grandson, Mathew. Their close relationship was a source of joy and comfort for both, a testament to the enduring power of familial love.
Though his presence dims, his impact shines brightly in the hearts of those fortunate enough to cross paths with him, inspiring and reminding us to always cherish life's wonders.
We love you Papa.